
The latest is that B&NES are aiming for a decision by February 28thh. This probably will not happen as there seem to be a couple of sticking points.

1. Ecology. Insufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in relation to roosting bats. Further information is required to demonstrate no net loss and net gain of biodiversity in accordance with the NPPF and Local Plan Policies NE3 and NE3a

2. Drainage and flooding. The FRA page 4 shows the existing outfall chamber, this will need to be added onto the drainage drawing. This will also need to show how the ditch is going to be reprofiled up to the headwall.We also require a detailed drawing of the headwall design, it is recommended that this head wall is designed with angled trash screen.Who will be responsible for the maintenance of this and the proposed flow path between the swale and the headwall, is this being adopted by Wessex Water?

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